Tuesday, June 22, 2010

School Bound

Now that Daddy has accepted a new job, it's time to start thinking about where to send Keira for Jr. Kindergarten. For the summer we've decided to ease her into being away from both of us all day by having her spend 3 days a week with our dear friend Nicole (who has her masters in early childhood education) and 2 day a week with her Auntie Chandra and another dear friend Mishelle (who also has her masters in Education!)

Today was the first day of work for Daddy and the first day for Keira to be in someone else's care all day. After Daddy left for work, Keira and I got dressed and headed off to a potential school to take a look at the campus. Immediately upon arrival Keira hit the ground running!

"They have a farm here!" (the little play houses kind)
"They have a big playground!!! Look at the swings! They have hopscotch!!"

Keira played on the playground while I spoke with the director and waited for my "tour guide."

I wanted her to meet one of her potential teachers and see the classroom, so I gathered her from the playground and headed to the room. We walked in and she immediately made a bee-line for the books, the blocks, the art center, fluttering around like a little bee checking everything out while I asked a few questions. It was almost as if Little Miss forgot I was there. She was too busy having a good time!

When it came time to leave, she had to be convinced that she was off to do something equally as fun! I think she'll do just fine.... it's me who needs to be eased in!

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