Sunday, March 28, 2010

Busy Busy Girl!

This weekend was an eventful one for Keira! On Friday evening, Auntie Chandra and Auntie Andrea came over to say "see you later" to all of us. Chandra is moving down to LA and Andrea is moving up to Ashland, OR to go to school. I don't think that Keira understands at all that she isn't going to see them every time we go to Grandma's house now. I'd like to think that she won't realize they are gone... because I don't want her to be sad about them not being here. I know she'll figure it out soon though.

Saturday was jam packed with fun festivities for Keira! After saying another see you later to Auntie Andrea, we loaded up and headed off to the Bunny Hunt! I am not sure exactly why I like it so much... it's lots of waiting..... for 30 - 45 seconds of pandemonium, followed by 4 - 5 minutes of wandering around looking for straggling eggs that were somehow missed by the 400 other kids and parents! Keira loves it... has a blast rolling down the grassy hillside and devouring lots of chocolate!

After finishing up at the Bunny Hunt, we changed our clothes and headed off to Great America. Lockheed was having their annual Employee Picnic and we went for a couple hours to ride a few rides and get our season passes. Keira loves Great America. She loves the roller coasters... waiting anxiously for the day when she is tall enough to ride the big ones. She loves the water park.... doesn't care how warm it is... she's running through any water spray she can find until she's soaked to the bone! I'm looking forward to visiting the park time and time again this summer... watching her live it up!

We finished up the weekend making peanut butter pancakes for breakfast and working in the garden again! Keira loves helping sweep and rake and pulling weeds! She's getting as excited as Mommy is with all the new things starting to sprout up! It'd so fun to go out every day and see how much bigger everything is! Keira is quite the little helper! She loves being "Little Chef" and Mommy's Garden Helper!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Little Chef

Lately it seems that Keira is becoming more and more interested in helping out with certain things around the house. She LOVES being “Little Chef” and helping Jason and I out with dinner. She’s even taking it upon herself to make her own PB&Js. She still needs a little help scooping out stuff, but she’s great at spreading it all out on the bread and cutting her sammich in half.

When we wake up on Saturday and Sunday morning, Keira will decide what she wants to make for breakfast. Some days it’s oatmeal and some it’s “Egg Burgers” or pancakes/waffles. No matter what we make though, Keira gets her step ladder out and helps with the measuring, mixing, toaster, etc. I love that she is so excited about cooking! I love that she’s learning that when you mix a few ingredients together… you get delicious tasting homemade food!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My poor baby!

I feel horrible! Sometimes things happen that make you question whether you're doing everything right as a parent.... well right now is one of those moments!

Keira has had a cough for a few days now.... it started out as nothing but for the last 4 days she has sounded horrible! Sometimes it sounds like she can't breathe when she is coughing! We finally decide to call the advice nurse to see if we should bring her in. Jason took her this morning. Well.... Keira has pneumonia and an ear infection! Now I'm questioning whether we should have taken her in 3 or 4 days ago!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wake Up! It's a Bright Sunny Day!

The rough translation on this is.... I'm done sleeping, I don't care if it's 6am, the sun is shining (or not) and I'm ready for you to entertain me!

I remember 3 years ago being so excited for Keira to start talking! She inherited the chatter-bug gene from me (which I inherited from my mom). I was oh so proud when she was saying 17 real words by her first birthday. By her second birthday she had well over 200 words in her vocabulary and was repeating just about anything you would say. Here we are at just about 3 1/2 years old and our little Keira talks NON-STOP. From the minute she wakes up with the Bright Sunny Day.... to the second she falls asleep, she's talking.

She has some of the funnest stories and the sweetest compliments. She also has some of the silliest, goofiest, and some times not appropriate stories. I look forward to coming home from work and listening to her tell me about her day.... asking me when her prince will come along.... tattling on Daddy for one thing or another. And at times I wonder why we encouraged her to start talking so early.... but mostly I love this little girl with every fiber of my being. And on the stormiest darkest cloudiest days.... I love my little alarm clock! Wake up Mommy! It's a Bright Sunny Day!